in today’s world most people make resume, in which they showcase their highlights and their best wins, as i have bet with my friend to not make professional resume, which is fun and forces me to think new ways to tackling things and approaching them.
but life is not about all the wins, there are lot of failures, efforts, learnings, unlearning, luck and all other kinds of things, which people don’t talk about that much often, which creates unhealthy environment of people only talking and idolizing the perfect and setting unrealistic standards for themselves and sometime for others also.
i got to know about the idea of failure resume1 last year, tbh, nobody likes to talk about their failures and that too it public, i wanted to create one for myself, to remind me how i grow, where i came from, how i was struggling, stupid mistakes, it’s just for me to look back and remind how stupid i was!
talking about failures like this, creates more good environment and keeps us to ground truth, that all have failures and nobody is perfect and learning from each others failures.
this document gives me more courage to try new things and applying for things i would otherwise think i am unqualified to apply for.
if you are not getting rejected, you are not trying hard or settling for the easy
- got rejected from qdrant summer of code application
- failed in driving license exam