Creative Coding


  • learned about inputs, from mouse to keyboard, want to add some kind of physical interaction to my sketch, will figur that out


  • made this today and learned about animation
  • also made this repo, view here


  • frameRate function is useful thing to rerun the code in whichever frame you like
  • speedruned the basic things, from varibles to functions, if else statment, now learning about animation

2023-01-08 so there are two options

  1. p5.js
  2. processing
  • first one is based on javascript, and other one is based on java,

so i am going with p5 for now, because main reason is i want to share my sketches through sites, by processing i have to post images and videos, in longer time i will be adding interaction part to my sketches for that this is required,

following this thing to clear my doubt for choosing between this framwork:

and now starting with p5.js with this blog:

i already know javascript and have worked with p5 in the past, so starting portion will be speedrun!

i have taken workshops also on this, but they were very basic just intro, so want to deep dive in!