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What is that?

Wiki says it is a “Cognitive process whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed”,

but I don’t agree with it, because everything around us is an evolved version whose roots go back to nature, as René Girard’s mimetic theory, says

“Man is the creature who does not know what to desire, and he turns to others in order to make up his mind. We desire what others desire because we imitate their desires.”

And when there was nothing to imitate for humans, We imitate nature, but we as humans are part of nature, there is a special bond between nature and us!

Creativity is nothing but copying/imitating and adding swaad anusar namak(salt as per your taste) or in other words adding your personal touch.

Most of the part is inspired by others or copied, and only about 10% is your personal touch.

My Observation is that, when you start to imitate, you slowly start to realise that, what looks easy is not that easy, you get into attention to detail, and on that road, your dots start to connect, and when you are halfway through the process, you will get very unique ideas, about how you can take this thing from here to your imaginary world, you just needed that foundation or kickstart.

When things are complete(which it will never be for the creator because, for a creator, it is a living thing in his world, he wants to keep it alive and nurture it, completing something means it is done, it is dead), it will be completly different things, from what you started and what it is now, how this magic happens, I also don’t know, but it works always.

And yes, when someone asks him, how & why?

he will struggle explaining things, because for him somewhere in his heart, there is the guilt of taking inspiration, not getting anything real or unique by himself,

If you ask him, can you show us?

he will happily show, how he did it, he will say, I do this, and this, and tadda, it looks magic to other people, but from his perspective, it is true in all sense, that’s what happened!

talking about ownership and authenticity, our thoughts are not our own, they are all influenced and reshaped, and sometimes implanted by our very own environment.

The biggest open-source community is nature and the universe.

Whatever you want, take it, whatever you want to do with it, do it, if you want to give back you are welcome, if you are not giving back then also you are welcome.

and there is no MIT license,


No Copyright, nothing!

There will be no creative thing or any kind of innovation or any progress without shoulders of giants.

Creativity is not like a sudden thing, that appears in the world, it is the collective progress of all humans and nature, more of like group progress, but yes there needs to be one point of entry to the world, where it can come alive, The person who is responsible for it, most of the time gets the credit!

Many times I think, the most creative work that exists boils down to curation, things that are not meant to be gathered usually, when someone does it, and it works, it feels like magic, from another planet.

Like Rabindra Sangeet, it is a curation of Hindustani classical music, Carnatic Classical Music, Western tunes, and the inherent folk music of Bengal, can you imagine western tunes combined with Hindustani classical music in your dreams, but Rabindranath Tagore has done it.

Curation is the most valuable thing one can do when there is abundance, and there is always abundance, the problem is some people can’t see abundance, and some don’t care enough, they are waiting for others or external validation!

You can say that Jugaad is also creative this way, Yes it is, it is in the blood of Indians, it is just that all don’t know how to scale their Jugaad, if one day they all know, it is over for all, the truth is that all Jugaad can’t be scalable, they are just temporary fixes, from temporary fixes to scale we need to get into the rabbit hole of problem, which often people avoid.

Spotting opportunities of creative entry points (curation + swaad anusar namak) in abundance, just requires little contrarian thinking or environment, and once you get the pattern it is fun for you and magic for others!

Sometimes it comes with a lot of practice & experience, it can be fast-forwarded if you get the right Catalyst(mentors) at the right time.

So now go and do some magic!